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        The introduction of the sound frequency of buzzer and the sound pressure of the buzzer

        The sound of a buzzer is a sound wave of a certain frequency produced by an object of a vibratory device.
        Frequency refers to the number of continuous cycles contained in a second, the measurement unit of frequency is "Hertz" Hertz (Hz), the frequency range of human auditory is about 20 20KHZ, which is lower than 20Hz, and higher than 20kHz is ultrasonic. A commonly used product resonant frequency is 2 4KHZ, the resonant frequency of the buzzer to recommend the use of the maximum, and the sound pressure frequency consistent, buzzer sound frequency is high, the corresponding product sounds is higher, the lower the frequency of the sound, the tone is low.
        The buzzer sound pressure signal to work is rated at both ends of the buzzer, the sound pressure level in the distance measured by 10cm numerical dBA. Decibels (dB) is the unit of sound pressure, the greater the number of decibels, the greater the sound.